I don’t think there is any art style more deceptive in its complexity than The Simpsons, based on Matt Groening’s work. The characters are made up of pretty simple shapes, but they need to be arranged in just the right way at just the right scale to look right. I’ve seen too much off-model artwork online that it becomes something I am desperate to avoid.
As far as I am concerned, Bart Simpson is among the most difficult characters ever to draw.

Anyway, there is my attempt at the early ’90s bad boy. I feel I am close, but having not drawn this character in years, maybe a decade or more, I am sure there are elements I can improve on. But again, I am close. Maybe it’s at least close enough for Bongo Comics if they were still around, of course.
Anyway, I still enjoy The Simpsons. It was fun to draw this classic character. I will need to draw Homer at some point, he’s my favorite character. But here is Bart, for now.

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