The following is the in-character diary entry of Shal Noctis, a character in the live-play TTRPG podcast Spooky Dice Bag. This entry covers episode 146 – “A Little Social Freedom Fighting.” You can listen to the episode below.
1498 DR – Day 73,997 – Taking the Party Upstairs

The Strixhaven group I had fallen in with eventually moved outdoors to connect back with Fiskrum Boneshaper. I began to put together a bit more of their mission but could not be entirely sure of their intentions. There was a specific clerical statue that seemed to catch their attention and was their target.
Also, I wish to call us the “Strixhaven Six” but have yet to bring that up with them. Perhaps later on. It may be presumptuous to consider myself part of the team right now, as nice as that sounds.
- As we made our way to Fisrkum, who was holding court in his gazebo, my new friends seemed particularly interested in a dwarf known as “Old Frank” who I would meet later that night. At the time, the diversion was momentary. I can confirm now that Old Frank is a fascinating person.
- I had a chance to introduce myself to Fiskrum and specifically inquired about his scrolls and library. We would make our way up to the library on the second floor at Fiskrum’s invitation.
- I learned then that the group seems to come from Strixhaven, which has me intrigued as it is a repository of knowledge. It might help me to “catch up.”
- I also got to know more about Umbra and they provided some insight into the group’s aims. Umbra seems particularly interested in me and I admit I used that to my advantage.
- We were also accompanied by Nordaleen, Fiskrum’s daughter, whose own sensibilities seemed to align with my group’s goals.
- I was still very much on my own mission for Selûnite and Sharran texts. While I did not find those materials, my companions were able to find a hidden room, signified by bulging walls.
- The Strixhaven Six pulled a “double rogue” to make their way into this chamber, discovering this clerical statue of a figure named Marhammor, who, from my own experiences, seems to be the Dwarven God of Wanderers. At least, from what I recall of visiting dwarves centuries ago.
To be continued in Spooky Dice Bag #147.