Hello all and welcome back to the Cosmic Dash update tracker at hpkomics.com. January had proven itself to be a challenging month, as you can see from some recent thoughts I had, but Cosmic Dash did manage to update. It was only three pages, but there was still some substantial movement in the overall narratives on both current stories, I’d argue.
Anyway, let’s get into it. The first one is the one page added to Serreven.com for the month, that continues the current “Hostile Negotiations” storyline. it’s a chance to see Drakar’s bodyguard in action, but to show he is no slouch either. We also get a little lore about Mayden’s weaponry, as a treat.
As always, you can drop a comment on the respective pages. Those are always a lot of fun for me to read.
Over on the Cosmic Dash side of things, we have two pages. The first wraps up the requisite Orthos-storyline check-in. It also has some lore regarding the naming system for asteroids in any given system.
The second page returns us to the sick bay as Dorian and Dash talk about Kracker’s situation. It seems Dash is about to pitch something crazy as well. As for the lore, I wrote a bit about what exactly Dorian’s position is on the ship and how it factors into his education going forward.
As always, you can help support independent comics and help me get more pages out more frequently by subscribing or donating. You could also commission me. Thanks for reading.