The following is the in-character diary entry of Shal Noctis, a character in the live-play TTRPG podcast Spooky Dice Bag. This entry covers episode 144 – “Time at Last to Party.” You can listen to the episode below.
1498 DR – Day 73,997 – Today I go to a party…

My travels these past twenty years have not been as fruitful as I had hoped. It’s been nearly two decades; a drop of water in the pond that was nearly a century of death. This is dwarfed by several centuries of being the living dead.
But today, I go to a party!
I have managed to luck my way into an invitation to a party during the Stone Heart Festival here in the Underdark. This is my chance to explore the library of Fiskrum Boneshaper, a major figure amongst the local Dwarves and Draugr.
I am still seeking artifacts of my fallen order, but I am intrigued by the prospect of… socialization. Twenty years out and about and it has not been easy to meet people.
Especially when you are a living corpse.
I met some people…
Writing this shorthand while I have a moment to spare. Please forgive the haste and brevity. It’s been… a night. I only have a few minutes.
- While introducing myself to other partygoers, I was approached by some strangers. I assumed I stood out amongst the dwarves, but I was not a singularly unique figure there.
- There was a human named Deliverance and a half-elf known as Astrid. There was also a dwarf introduced to me as Dwumbra, a rather grim human known as Forte, and a dragonborn named Randril.
- The dwarf, Dwumbra, seemed particularly curious about me. I found them a little curious myself as I suspect they are not actually a dwarf.
- They kindly took me in and allowed me to join them to visit the lord of the manor, Fiskrum. Their manner was polite, though I know my countenance was likely offputting and awkward. In my defense, I haven’t been to a party in nearly seven centuries.
- Oddly, rather than the name of the festival being “Stone Heart,” Fiskrum referred to it as the “Heart Stone Festival.” Perhaps there is some local history or tension that I am not aware of.
- In an effort to appear… living… I did have to eat a few of the hors d’oeuvres. I cannot actually eat, however, so I will just purge those later with some privacy.
- I miss food. Gods, I miss tasting anything beyond dust. I’d even settle for the taste of the Hand of Selûne’s field rations at this point.
Roped into schemes…
- In an effort to accommodate the non-dwarven guests, we were served by a groundskeeper named Tumnuk. We were an afterthought. It’s just nice to be a part of something, though.
- Regarding the group I found myself falling in with, I did pick up on something at the time. I felt they were at the manor for something beyond drinks and conversation. I couldn’t pick up on much as they were secretive, but they didn’t chase me away either, which was nice.
- I waited for an opportunity to shift the discussion to the library and Fiskrum’s collection as we chatted briefly about my experience in the temple. I admit I probably said more than I had intended. Again, I am rusty.
- I had a sneaking suspicion their aims aligned to a degree to my own. I was not expecting just how easily I would be swept up into their mission.
The night is not yet over… We’re waiting for the clerics. I’ll write more about the party later.
To be continued in Spooky Dice Bag #145.
Interesting concept, reminds me of naivety. The sweet innocent kind.