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2025 Sketchbook #018 – Steamboat William

Again, just a quick one for the sketchbook today featuring my character Steamboat Willie. I have been playing around with my Steamboat Willie-based character a bit more lately. I am generating some additional references as I develop plans around the public domain character.

"Mick" Williams, a version of Steamboat Willie that I adapted
“Mick” Williams, a version of Steamboat Willie that I adapted

If you are on CharacterHub, his profile can be found there as I hone in on some ideas. Nothing crazy yet, but the fact I can legally do something with this take on Mickey Mouse means a lot to me and my interest in the public domain.

Along those lines, seen Shmoofy yet? Be sure to check out The Shmoofy Experiment!

Anyway, if you are interested in supporting what I do, you can do so through donations on Ko-Fi. I also take commissions.

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