I have a fun cyberpunk comic pitch I had shopped around for a while that never got picked up. However, the concept has evolved a bit quite a lot since then, including an entirely new title. But here you go. This was the initial pitch comic that I sent off to a few publishers.
The comic pitch is a cyberpunk espionage series. It is set in a dystopian future run by a handful of multinational corporations. Instead of wars, these corps strike at one another by hiring mercenaries to engage in subterfuge and terrorism. Soldiers are contractors who work for one corp, while Executors are those who work anonymously for the highest bidder. The comic followed one specific Executor, Arnaud Baudin, who was on a job where two Executors were hired simultaneously which resulted in a lab accident with dangerous consequences.
The ultimate goal of this cyberpunk mini-series was to launch a team-based book.

These pages were illustrated by Conroy Conroy, who also goes by Monica Munster. Their work can be found on Threads and Cara.
Executor Pitch Pages
Please enjoy the pitch comic.

Development Art
The story has been floating around in my head for a long time. Here are some more examples and concepts from Conroy Conroy, in addition to some work by Meg Syverud of Daughter of the Lillies.
Some other images you may see are quick drawings I did to set up certain elements or design notes. All concepts were developed by me and handed over to other artists for refinement.
I also have some more development art, but that is for a more recent incarnation of the project titled Freelancer. I’d prefer to keep those to myself until that project moves forward a bit more.
Where is the cyberpunk comic now?
The comic concept eventually evolved into a new concept called Freelancer. While the broad strokes of Baudin’s story written for Executor remain the same, many details have been moved around to build emphasis on the elements that the “team book” would explore down the road. Baudin is a framing character for a story that gets a lot stranger than the cyberpunk corporate espionage angle presented in this initial pitch.

I have also considered looking at the Japanese light novel format to pursue the project, putting less emphasis on art and more on prose. I would still very much like to include art, but limited to chapter headings, splash pages, and diagrams and maps that build the setting.
If you’re interested in seeing this cyberpunk project explored further, please let me know in the comments. If you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into my archives, please consider donating or subscribing to my Ko-fi to help support me as a creator. Thank you!
I would absolutely be interested in a light novel version of this- the concept seems interesting, and we currently dont have that many cyberpunk themed stories that arent big budget things, so I’d love to see something like that from you.
[…] My archives are full of projects that pop up on the website, such as my cyberpunk dystopia comic, Executor (now Freelancer). I have also started a series of strips called hpkomix that I have been sneakily […]