Here he is! That’s right, it’s everyone’s favorite bear thing, Shmoofy (sh-moo-fee)!

The origin?
Shmoofy was originally an accidental recurring joke in all of my comics. Whenever a poster or advertisement was needed in a comic, I’d throw something Shmoofy-related onto it when I could. So my idea was to see if anyone else would do the same.
This original concept was first rolled out in 2007 or 2008 and covered by the Dragoneers Crossover Index. The character began as a combination of in-joke for myself and friends, with inspiration from Jenny Everywhere.
Following a loss of the original page, I found an archived version in 2024 and am relaunching the project here at He is officially under the following CC license:
Shmoofy Bear by hpkomic is licensed under CC BY 4.0
How it works?
Shmoofy just loves to travel and is always looking for somewhere to go! He can even visit you; in fact, that’s where he wants to be! All you need to do is put him in your comic or art, you can be as subtle as you’d like!
Place him on a character’s t-shirt, a coffee mug, in a pile of stuffed animals! The sky is the limit.
His silly grin and adorable (sometimes creepy) nature allow him to fit almost anywhere. Make him a part of a joke, place him in a background or a crowd, it’s up to you. I will list every appearance that I am made aware of and has a valid link.
I just want a record of his adventures.
The rules?
Please provide a link to this index page somewhere on your site if you use Shmoofy in your work, even in the most subtle manner imaginable. If you make webcomics, the author’s notes are a great way to handle that.
Shoot me an e-mail ( or visit the contact page with the details of his appearance, and I’ll list you on this page.
Beyond that, there are no rules; you can use the character as you wish, and can even develop derivative content and sell material based on your interpretation of the character. Shmoofy is designed to be a public domain character, free and open to anyone who wishes to include him in their work.
The Character Design
Here is his basic design.

Primary Fur | Body Outline | Teeth and Highlights |
#955A3Dff | #69402BFF | #FFFFFFF |
Secondary Fur | Face Outline | Teeth Outline |
#BA7A58FF | #3A1B0DFF | #D7D7D7FF |
The design emphasizes the large and toothy smile, beady eyes, and round body. So when you include him try to keep those features consistent if you can.
Or not, he’s a free and open character. Do as you wish.
So, that’s it! As soon as cameos and references start coming in, I’ll list you all on this very page! So remember, send me an e-mail if you’ve included him in any form, and I’ll include you here on this page.
The Shmoofy Experiment Index
This section will feature a gallery of Shmoofy sightings with links to their source. The gallery will be in a random order.

The Old Index

This is an index of the original locations where Shmoofy could be found. Most links were broken as users may have migrated or cleared galleries since 2007. It has been a very long time since the 2000s, sadly.
The old, broken links have been removed, but there is still a record of the contribution. If you are on the list below and have your updated links, please contact me. I’d love to include the new links to the old content here on the page.
All of these old entries are placed in descending chronological order.
- Annihilicious! Cold Reboot- by Andrey Pissantchev
- Lancaster: The Ghost Detective- by Poinko
- The Frog Pond- by artpatient
- May I help You?- by Latosha Hall
- Life Like Weeds- by Mazoo
- Pinky TA- by Ozoneocean
- Crimson Dark- by David C. Simon
- Breakpoint City- by Brian Emling
- Creative Differences- by Mangapunksai
- Dragonaur 203- by Dragonaur
- Regular People- by Mel
- Anger Pauly- by KC Green
- IDGet- by Kevin Magpoc
- The New Luciefer- by Zac
- The KAMics- by KAM
- Culture Shock- by Hawk
- Taking the Bi-pass- by CartoonMe
- Delores- by Kota
- Memory for you- by Chichika
- Waiting in the park- by Sanna
- Froggo and Aka enjoy the stars- by seconteen13
- The Great Desk Job War- by Cory
- Zoldon, Komataso- by Hexaditidom
- The Nolans- by Josh Nickerson
- The World’s kinda blue- by Kami
- Retards 101- by Travis Riddle
- New Moon- by Bagshotrow
- Reckless Youth- by Ryclaude
- Madscott- by Madscott
- Victory Theme- by Hijuda
- The Errant Apprentice- by Kota
- The Adventures of Vindibudd: Superhero in Training- by Vindibudd
- Valhalla- by shisno15
- Penny Racers Comics- by Hlavco
- Impy and Aevy- by Pembroke
- All over Migglie- by Wigglie
- y2cl#454- by j horsley
- Jerrid- by SynDuo
- What Would You Do?- by Mangapunksai
- Dazzy Doodles- by HemmerBlob
- Nightmares- by Vidiot