Part of retreating to the old web for me involves dusting off the artifacts of the internet of my youth, which means links pages populated with dozens of banners and buttons. I am ready to do an exchange with anyone who wants to spread the word about their websites the old-fashioned way.
To join me and swap links, please let me know by email (hpkomic@gmail) with the subject “link exchange” so we can hash out the details. I am happy to exchange with just about everyone. I’ll even join a webring, if you’ll have me.
I am specifically focusing on classic web buttons of 120x60px. Those are the only size graphics I will include on this page. Just like you see here, with my link button.

Isn’t it cute?
The links are arranged by categories. The links page is ever-expanding. The links page is life.
People who I consider to be good friends on the internet.

Webcomics, Illustrations, and Animations
Creators I admire in the visual arts. Comics, webcomics, and more.

Writers and Bloggers
Writers of all kinds. Fiction, Essays, Bloggery. If it’s words, it’s here.

Subjects and Interests
Those who delve deeply, I salute you.