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Scrolls of Noctis #8 – Late Night Questions

The following is the in-character diary entry of Shal Noctis, a character in the live-play TTRPG podcast Spooky Dice Bag. This entry covers episode 151 – “Come to Goddess Moment” You can listen to the episode below.

1498 DR – Day 73,998 – Eternal Twilight

Shal Noctis and his scroll.

Having decided to stay low, we wandered the night in this town in the Underdark. I am not sure what the women in our party were up to. It makes one wonder.

At the time, I think I found myself most taken with the fact I knew it was night.

I am no stranger to dark places, and the Underdark is a curious extension of the concept of darkness. The landscape is not unlike one of perpetual twilight but without the presence of the moon.

Does Selûne know where I am, even miles beneath rock and stone?

I feel the moon. I feel her presence. The Moonmaiden has guided me since my awakening from death. I don’t know why she chose me.

It drives me mad.

If I could feel her, even deep below the ground in this strange land… so why am I still so unsure of my purpose?

*The above section had been lined out from Shal’s journal.*

Everything is fine.

I’m good.

To be continued in Spooky Dice Bag #152.

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