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Want to Join the Steamboat Sailor Brawl!?!

With the latest update of Steamboat Sailor Brawl!, it looks like it is time to start slotting in contributors to the comic.

If you aren’t familiar with the project, here’s an overview from the webpage:

About the Project

To celebrate the arrival of the iconic Popeye the Sailor in the public domain, I wanted to draw a continuous, cartoony fight scene. It made sense to include my rough-and-tumble take on Steamboat Willie (aka Mickey Mouse). Thus, Steamboat Sailor Brawl! emerged—a comic that explores transformative work using public domain cartoon characters.

The project is simple: throughout 2025 I will attempt to draw as many comic panels as I can, sometimes daily, depicting a ridiculous brawl between these two cartoon icons. In the spirit of this being a comic utilizing public domain characters, you are welcome to remix and repurpose these cartoons, or join in the fun.

As mentioned, I am hoping some folks might want to jump in and draw panels here and there where these characters beat the ink and paint out of one another. It’s going to be more about shorter exchanges of panels and more frequent updates on my end. As we’ve seen with the current updates, I’ve been mostly focused on multi-panel updates, but now I am going to switch gears to smaller updates for more of a back-and-forth feel.

So, with that in mind, it should make it easy for anyone to jump in. Just get in touch with me. Contributions should be limited to one or two panels, with an emphasis on fighting. That’s about it really.

As this is a public domain project, there is no claim of ownership on my part. This project has an element of an exquisite corpse. All contributors will have their contributions linked to their website or social media as necessary as well as the links page.

Steamboat Sailor Brawl! | CC 4.0 Public Domain comic featuring Mickey Mouse AKA Steamboat Willie and Popeye the Sailor. The characters are part of public domain open culture, referred to as Captain Mick "Steamboat" Williams and Petey "Popeye" O'Neil. Learn more at
Steamboat Sailor Brawl! update #006

So, if you are interested in drawing a panel, please contact me about it and I’d be happy to work with you. This is wishful thinking on my part, but I am indebted to the public domain here and want this project to be just as open.

Anyway, check out the comic and consider joining the fray!

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