This would be the first Not Safe For Work addition to the sketchbook here at the site. This is Briar, the lead of the comic project I have been dabbling with in my spare time, Thorn By My Side.
Briar is a girlfailure character who I have enjoyed writing quite a bit. Perpetually single, working multiple jobs, and generally very goth. I figure maybe she would have an unsuccessful OnlyFans as a running gag.
Here she is, but not in all her glory. There is another step past this, of course.

I can’t help the old meme/gag of the “Whoops! Can’t show that in a Christian manga!” It never gets old.
I am trying to keep the blog a little more accessible to folks, so I have to censor it here. However, the full image of Briar can be found on a Bluesky post. It’s nothing explicit, but there is enough nudity that might be a bit much for the site.
Maybe I’ll do more pinups in the future. What do you think? Any suggestions? Probably not Thorn, I would expect.
Let me know if you want to see me adapt Dracula someday. If you are interested in supporting what I do, you can do so through donations on Ko-Fi. I also take commissions.