The following is the in-character diary entry of Shal Noctis, a character in the live-play TTRPG podcast Spooky Dice Bag. This entry covers episode 145 – “Party in the Old Dwarf Town” You can listen to the episode below.
1498 DR – Day 73,997 – I spent some time talking!
I have a few moments more to spare to recount what I know of the events of the party as they transpired that night. Deliverance had outlined some of these details as our quest came to a conclusion. I am including some moments I did not witness for context.
I had a delightful few moments of introducing myself to the group I would later join up with. Even better, I got to practice small talk. it’s been so very long. It turns out that I am not particularly good at it!
Based on what we discussed later, the party continued on as such…

Inside Job
- I was not aware of their scheme at the time of the party. Though it was clear they had a purpose. At some point in our initial conversations as a group, Deliverance and Umbra had peeled off.
- As for me, I was distracted observing the Dragonborn, Randril. He was trying to shove a gift basket toward Fiskrum Boneshaper, seemingly missing the gift table near the entrance.
- As for Deliverance and Umbra(still Dwumbra at this time); they were seeking access to the second story of the house. In an earlier conversation, we determined to be the top of the house, rather than the bottom.
- They managed to make contact with someone sympathetic to their cause, Miss Nordaleen, who was Boneshaper’s daughter. Deliverance appealed to her sense of fashion, which I can confirm later was truly stylish.
- Umbra made an excuse of needing the privy to explore the manor’s second floor.
- Curiously enough, downstairs, Forte, Randril, Astrid, and I ended up discussing privies and the makings of moats.
- We did notice the party began to shift outdoors, but we remained inside.
- As I understand it from Deliverance’s later explanation, they were able to confirm the name of the festival was changed among the arriving dwarves.
- Much of this history is new to me, especially given it was on the other side of the world and I was trapped in the monastery at the time.
- They also were able to rope Nordaleen into the quest for the statue. They made their way back to the rest of us.
- Deliverance was rather forthcoming in their plans at the time given they had just met me, but I took that as a good sign.
- We proceeded to head outside.
To be continued in Spooky Dice Bag #146.