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Cosmic Dash Nov. 2024 Update – The Return

November 2024 proved to be an exciting month as it marked the return to Cosmic Dash after a significant hiatus. This update batch included three new pages of the story “Ladies’ Night” which kept the focus on Mara and Illyana wrapping up an important mission.

Here are the three pages uploaded this past week: There is also a lot of news covered across the author’s notes attached to each page, including some information on why the series went on a brief hiatus.

Additionally, there was a new lore inclusion with the latest comic batch – a short story on The story covers the originals of a criminal syndicate called the Falling Star Syndicate, who were also mentioned in the last comic page of the update for the month. You can read “SSA: The Falling Star Syndicate: An Oral History – Part One: “Small-time Crooks.” right now.

The next batch of comics is set to be released by the end of December. There should also be additional updates to the Cosmic Dash blog as well, so follow it if you want to see new lore and prose roll out. In the meantime, let’s look forward to another batch of pages, shall we?

Remember, you can help support independent comics and help me get more pages out more frequently by subscribing or donating. You could also commission me. Thanks for reading.

One Comment

  1. […] Year’s Eve to you, with this latest batch of comics from and The November update was only three pages, but for this December update I managed to push out four: two for each […]

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